Happy Thanksgiving everyone! It’s hard to believe today is Thanksgiving — here are some musings from this mama on what I’m especially thankful for this year.

1. Healthy Pregnancy: Let’s be honest, this year I wasn’t expecting to be pregnant 🙈 but I’m unbelievably thankful I’ve had a healthy and relatively smooth and painless 3rd pregnancy journey. Thank you body for housing yet another one of these Park babies!
2. Best Husband: Ok, Eddie has been BETTER than the best husband. He has been patient with me, asked me some really great questions to help me prepare and have perspective for life ahead with 3 kids. And I’m most thankful that he somehow runs on no sleep, wakes up in the morning to play epic Pokemon battles with Haddon and love on our ever spunky Betty (If you know, you know). Thanks Eddie — you are truly the best husband, friend, partner, dad and more.
3. My One and Only Sister: Some of you may have seen on IG, but I caught the flu pretty bad last week and I was literally stuck in bed for so many days. What’s so hard and crazy about being a mom is that if you’re super sick, someone needs to still take care of your children — time and life doesn’t stop! My sister Renee came over a few times and played with Haddon and Betty. Notably, the last time she came over she bathed them, somehow magically put Betty to sleep and tucked her in bed next to me and quietly snuck away. I mean, best sister award? Yes, x10000.
4. Family: I already mentioned Eddie and Renee above, but I also wanted to mention that my parents and Eddie’s mom in particular have been SO GOOD to me and our immediate family. I’m not sure how many folks know, but my parents have graciously let us live in their home as we navigate where and how to live now with 3 kids in tow. They recently vacated the home and live a few streets down so we have full reign of the home. ALSO, Eddie’s mom has been so gracious whenever I need an extra helping hand. She lives in SD but made the trek to OC recently to also help when I got caught with that awful flu. I called her at 8 in the morning and she was in our home, feeding the kids by noon — AMAZING, I think so!
5. Instagram: I know, what a really weird thing to be thankful for. But I really am! I find social media gets a bad rap at times, but I’ve found so much joy in getting to know others (mamas in particular) and building relationships with companies I have come to really love and appreciate! I’ve met some mamas IRL (yup, my husband thinks I’m going to get catfished all the time) and they’ve become dear online “pen pals.” And a special shot-out to my @Aerie fam. I’m always in awe that Aerie would ask little old me to be an ambassador, but I am SO grateful for the opportunity I’ve been given to get to know their brand and share my love for their brand with you all. It’s been a little over 6 months and the Aerie fam have been so supportive of my journey as a mom, clothed me (oh so comfortably) in the softest outfits and I’ve been able to create some wonderful, uplifting friendships (shotout to my mama friend Hikari) with other ambassadors along the way.
As 2019 comes to a close, I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished, reflective of what I will do differently in the next year and of course stinking excited to meet our newest little Park peanut!! She should arrive within the next few weeks, so get ready for tons of baby posts to come. So much love for you all, my friends and family who keep pushing me to dream bigger!